Rehab and Live!

A life-altering accident resulting in a coma left GM with a 65% handicap rate and necessitated 14 surgeries.

Following this, he was determined to rehabilitate himself as well as he could.
Healthcare professionals and a five-year rehabilitation “block” enabled him to restore his functions.

His experience founds his desire to assist other survivors of life-altering accidents. Hence this website.

GM’s story

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Expert opinion


Books (free download)

Example of rehabilitation practice

Mindset suggested for rehabilitation, and illustrations

Testimonials about an out-of-the-ordinary rehabilitation

rééducation après accident

Edouard (chief physician at the Rehabilitation Center) :

Many patients with GM’s level of energy would have hastened my retirement. 🙃
Furthermore, they would have brought about considerable savings for the social security system! 🙃🙃
“Rehabilitate and Live!” showcases his exemplary rehabilitation journey, which can serve as an example to everyone.

Congratulations, GM!


Life's a treasure, fight for your measure!

rééducation après accident
rééducation après accident
rééducation après accident
rééducation après accident
rééducation après accident
rééducation après accident